Saturday 10 November 2012

Tricks To Get Rid Of Snoring And Drive Cancer Away

A lot of the population has a problem with snoring. The double-edged problem of snoring affects everyone in the same room as the snorer. Snoring can affect marriages and even raise your risk of cancer. Whether you are a snorer or are someone who has to live with one, the information and tips in this article can help you.

Snoring can be alleviated by taking a small dose of honey. There has been research that shows honey can clear airways, which helps people reduce their snoring. Just before bed, eat a piece of toast with honey or drink a relaxing cup of tea using honey as a natural sweetener. Your significant other will appreciate you for that!

Overweight people, especially if they have fatty deposits in the area of the neck, are more likely to snore. Too much fatty tissue in the throat of people who are overweight does not make the situation better. To reduce the chance of snoring, you may want to consider losing any excess weight. You will sleep better, feel better, and look better.

A firmer pillow may also help reduce snoring. Pillows that are too soft relax the throat muscles, which narrows your air passages. This constriction makes it more difficult to push air through the airways, which leads to snoring. Therefore, the use of a firm pillow is necessary to help keep your air passages open.

Avoid anything that may depress your nervous system and cause snoring, like sleeping pills or drinking alcohol. They can also contribute to sleep apnea, a serious medical condition that increases your risk of developing cardiovascular disease. These problems should convince you that you need to avoid alcohol and sleeping pills.

You can often reduce snoring using a simple tennis ball. Fasten the ball onto the back of clothing before you are about to go to sleep. Each time you roll over onto your back, the ball will prompt you to switch back to your side. It is proven that sleeping on your back increases snoring while sleeping in the side position decreases snoring.

If you're worried about your snoring, lessen your food consumption prior to bed. An overly full stomach pushes upward on your diaphragm. This restricts your breathing passages, and leads to snoring. So be sure to eat your last meal of the day several hours before heading to bed.

You might find nasal strips a worthwhile solution. Nasal strips adhere to your nose and keep your airways open further. When your nostrils are kept wide open throughout the night, you are less likely to snore. There is one caveat. Those with sleep apnea should not use nasal strips.

Visiting the dentist could be in order if you want to reduce your snoring. The dentist can take a mold of the shape of your mouth and create a custom mouth guard. This mouth-guard, worn only at night, will pull your lower jaw forward just enough to keep the tissues of the throat from collapsing during sleep, causing you to snore.

Visit with your physician about prescription drugs that could lead to snoring. This a side effect common to a lot of medications. There are many medications currently available that may relax the muscles in your throat and restrict airways. These medications include pain medicine, muscle relaxers, sleeping pills and antihistamines. A restricted airway will also contribute to excess snoring.

Do not use sleeping pills or alcohol for your snoring. The chemicals in these items can be used to calm the central nervous system and relax the muscles in your throat and jaw. As these muscles become relaxed, you are more prone to snoring. Use caution with these products, as they may cause sleep apnea.

Treating your allergies can treat your snoring as well. Allergies tend to clog the nostrils and cause respiratory issues. Allergy sufferers tend to also be mouth-breathers, which along with other conditions, may cause snoring. Use anti-allergy medication, along with a humidifier, to limit the effect of allergies on your breathing.

Facial exercises such as the "fish face" can help prevent snoring. This sounds very odd when you first hear it, but it makes more sense once you learn that it makes your face and throat muscles stronger. All you need to do is close your mouth and suck your cheeks in as close together as you can. Now, imitate the way a fish moves its mouth in the water. Do this a few times per day.

Snoring can cause problems by preventing your partner from sleeping. Talk with your partner. You have to work out when each of you is going to go to bed. If both of you retire simultaneously, you will probably both fall asleep around the same time and your partner is not as likely to be bothered by your snoring.

Do not exercise too heavily within one hour of bedtime. Physical exertion can shorten your breath when you sleep. This will narrow your air passages, and you will snore during the night.

Exercise your tongue regularly. This may sound ridiculous, but sticking your tongue in and out functions as a form of exercise for it. Rigidly hold your tongue as you extend it one direction then move it to another. Include movements to the front and back as well as the right and left to get a full range of motion. The tongue's muscles will become toned, which may lead to you snoring less.

Reduce or eliminate smoking during the day to help snoring. Smoking any form of tobacco damages the respiratory system, which can cause a whole host of problems, including snoring. Stopping smoking can improve lung health and reduce the severity of your snoring.

Breathing through your mouth as you sleep makes you much more likely to snore, since snoring sounds occur when air enters and exits the throat through the mouth. By breathing through the nose, air will bypass the throat. There are several devices that can be used to keep the mouth shut while sleeping; they include chin straps and mouth sealants. Check with your pharmacist for these devices.

Nasal strips have been successful for many people. They will help you to breathe better at night. The nasal strips will work by pulling the nasal pathways apart, and then will keep them in a position which will maximize your air flow. Because they don't contain any drugs, there is absolutely no risk involved with using them.

Avoid alcoholic beverages to minimize your snoring issues. You will also want to avoid any kind of tranquilizer or antihistamine before you sleep. Because these substances relax the muscles and tissues of the air passages, your breathing can be impaired and you may begin to snore.

With what you have learned in this article, hopefully you will be able to minimize how much and how often you snore. Just be sure to follow what you learned and keep at it, and you should alleviate your snoring in no time.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this post. I will going to honey to reduce my snoring.

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